
Former Redcliffe track holder calls it a day – plus Copeland’s first win in 32 months

By Duane Ranger. (sponsored by Redcliffe Paceway)

Seven years and 20 days after making his winning debut, one of Queensland’s toughest pacers, has finally called it a day.

Stockleigh trainers, Peter Greig and Patrice Madden said, Bodhi Tree, had competed in his 111th and final race at Albion Park on August 25. They said the rising 11-year-old Blissfull Hall gelding would now live out his retirement years at the property of part-owners, Larry and Kym Flynn’s place. He actually only arrived there yesterday (Sunday).

“He was the best horse we’ve had and easily the toughest. But ‘Father Time’ finally caught up with him and it wouldn’t be fair to race him anymore. His old injuries were starting to flare again and he deserved better. He more than deserves this retirement. There’s no coming back this time,” Greig said.

No pacer won in Australia more than the 15 races than Bodhi Tree won in the 2017-2018 season. To set that national mark after being off the scene for more than three years even amazed Madden.

“When he was five, he suffered a bad pelvic injury which kept him away from racing from April 2014 until he won his first race back at Redcliffe in August 2017.

“In the 2017-2018 season he went from an R1 to a Sunshine Sprint and Blacks A Fake Grand Circuit pacer. He also won Aged Horse-of-the-Year that season.  To do that after the injuries and time-out was simply amazing,” Madden said.

That season Bodhi Tree and Leonard Cain set a then Redcliffe track record of 1:55.2 (2,040m mobile) in the Stu Valentine Pace.

“Pete and Leonard have both won 10 races on him each. The 2017-2018 season was an amazing come-back year for him because he also set a personal best 1:52.1 at Albion Park in December 2017.

“You have to take into account he achieved all of this having had both of his knees operated on; suffered injuries to both Tendons (twice); suspensory issues; had pelvic and back problems, and when he fibulated he had to go to the vets for three weeks.

“It’s been a long tough road but what a mighty horse he has been to us. The other owners, Larry Flynn and Jason Potter-Rose stood by us for more than three years while Bodhi Tree was off the scene with his health issues. For that patience and loyalty, Peter and I will always be extremely grateful,” Madden said.

Bodhi Tree won 26 times and placed on 25 occasions for $192,854. Twenty three of those wins came and Albion Park and three at Redcliffe.

“He never had any big wins as such, but he was a better than average pacer. One we will never forget. He gave Taleah McMullen her first metro win in June 2018, and also won four races in a row as a 7-year-old.

“Even in his last season he won three races and more than $30,000. He was easily the best of the 18 we have in work here. He will be sadly missed,” Greig said.

Bodhi Tree is a Q-bred pacer, bred by Norm and Robyn Taylor, along with David and Christina Knudson.

Meanwhile, Greig had a good couple of days at Redcliffe Paceway last week.

The 67-year-old, who has been training for 30 years, conditioned and drove Bonnie’s Cam to win race nine on Tuesday; and then the following night combined with driver Peter McMullen to nail races two and with Lorimer Lady and hot-favourite, Forgive Me.

“I’ve always liked racing at Redcliffe. They are a progressive club with mainly volunteers. They do a fantastic job and the track is unique to anywhere else.

“I’ve always enjoyed racing at ‘The Triangle’ and always will. Sadly, Bodhi Tree won’t be seen there again. I’ll never forget the night he set broke the track record,” Greig said.


Meanwhile, long-time Queensland horseman, Norm Copeland, trained his first winner in 32 months on his home track at Redcliffe on Thursday afternoon.

Copeland, who has lived and trained from nearby Knight St since 2014, conditioned Fortyfive Rock to win the third event – the Vale Pam Steele Pace.

Norn Copeland and Fortyfive Rock.

And it was just the token required for the 68-year-old, who couldn’t drive Fortyfive Rock, due to a recent hernia operation.

It was the 4-year-old Pet Rock gelding’s first win in 43 starts, and first since Copeland and his daughter took over the training from his “nephew”, Mark Dux, in June last year.

Driver Angus Garrard trailed with Fortyfive Rock (1), before coming wide on the turn to win by 2.2m, with a 1:59.5 mile rate.

He is owned by S J Dux, G F Flower, J Flower, N Flower, B R Ford, R M Lucas, D T Grant, B P Tobin, A Salpietro, and M P Jeffrey. The breeders were L J and M E Vagg.

Copeland’s daughter, Chantal, said her father’s last training success came on the same track when Peter McMullen steered Sir Galvinator gelding, Archiecano, to an easy 8.3m victory. That was March 28, 2018.

“Fortyfive Rock is known as ‘Elvis’ in the stables and has always had the ability, but hasn’t always wanted to show it at the races.

“Lately though he has started to put it all together and we are all just rapt that he has finally broken his maiden, because we know he’s way better than a maiden pacer,” Copeland said.

She would have been lost without her mother and neighbour, Rod Hinze’s recent assistance.

“They have helped me so much the daily stable duties while Dad has been recovering. I can’t thank them enough,” Copeland said.

Copeland Sr has been training at Redcliffe since 2014 he moved from his Hendra property with his wife Thelma and Chantal.

“Dad has trained and driven pacers since his teenage years, and grew up in Redcliffe. His first winner was in 1969 at Albion Park on a horse called Saloon Scott.

“Others include trained include Mitchells Town, Poplar Imp, Onefiftysix, Tuscallanah, Archiecano, Good Authority, Rich Music, and Belmont two just to name a few. Training horses has always been in Dad’s blood and always will be,” 40-year-old Copeland said.

“It’s a bit unfortunate Dad wasn’t able to drive him in his past two starts, but Angus did a great job, and so did Lachie (Manzelmann), who drove him into second the start before. He is looking forward to being back in the driver’s seat when all is healed and well,” she added.

Copeland has trained and driven 40 and 35 winners respectively since records were taken in December 1982.

The Copelands also have Ponder 10-year-old three-win gelding, Ponover, in work.

Fortyfive Rock and Garrard have copped the widest front row draw (6) in Wednesday night’s eighth race (8.50pm) at ‘The Triangle’.

Thelma and Chantal Copeland.

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